in paris during the war, hidden by catholic families in the town of saved her. and so this has always been part of my life, and i suspect . was it subconscious or conscious? did you consciously think to yourself, i m an international lawyer and i want to dig deep into notions of accountability and justice ? no, it didn t happen like that at all. i d made the terrible mistake of doing law at university and i hated it, apart from one teacher, a very lovely yorkshireman called robbiejennings who went on to become the britishjudge at the world court in the hague. and he taught a course on international law and i thought, this is interesting. this is what i want to do. and i just stuck with it, i stayed on, i did a masters, i had some great teachers. and that was what developed my interest in international law. and with your academic hat on, as we look at the nuremberg trials 75 years on from the first set of verdicts, does it strike you that they should be seen as a sort of extraordin
hidden by catholic families in the town of saved her. and so this has always been part of my life, and i suspect . was it subconscious or conscious? did you consciously think to yourself, i m an international lawyer and i want to dig deep into notions of accountability and justice ? no, it didn t happen like that at all. i d made the terrible mistake of doing law at university and i hated it, apart from one teacher, a very lovely yorkshireman called robbiejennings who went on to become the british judge at the world court in the hague. and he taught a course on international law and i thought, this is interesting. this is what i want to do. and i just stuck with it, i stayed on, i did a masters, i had some great teachers. and that was what developed my interest in international law. and with your academic hat on, as we look at the nuremberg trials 75 years on from the first set of verdicts, does it strike you that they should be seen as a sort of extraordinary positive landmark or
been part of my life, and i suspect . was it subconscious or conscious? did you consciously think to yourself, i m an international lawyer and i want to dig deep into notions of accountability and justice? no, it didn t happen like that at all. i d made the terrible mistake of doing law at university and i hated it, apart from one teacher, a very lovely yorkshireman called robbiejennings who went on to become the britishjudge at the world court in the hague. and he taught a course on international law and i thought, this is interesting. this is what i want to do. and i just stuck with it, i stayed on, i did a masters, i had some great teachers. and that was what developed my interest in international law. and with your academic hat on, as we look at the nuremberg trials 75 years on from the first set of verdicts, does it strike you that they should be seen as a sort of extraordinary positive landmark or do you now focus on some of their shortcomings? no, it was a revolutionary mo
part of my life i suspect. was it subconscious or conscious? did you consciously think to yourself, i m an international lawyer and i want to dig deep into notions of accountability and justice? no, it didn t happen like that at all. i made the terrible mistake of doing law at university and i hated it apart from one teacher, a very lovely yorkshireman called robbiejennings, who went on to become the british judge at the world court in hague. and he taught a course on international law and i thought, this is interesting. this is what i want to do. and i just stuck with it, i stayed on, i did a masters, i had some great teachers and that was what develop my interest in international law. and with your academic hat on and as we look at the nuremberg trials 75 years on from the first set of verdicts, does it strike you that they should be seen as sort of extraordinary positive landmark or do you now focus on some of their shortcomings?
and had been a hidden child in paris during the war, hidden by catholic families in the town of saved her. and so this has always been part of my life, and i suspect. was it subconscious or conscious? did you consciously think to yourself, i m an international lawyer and i want to dig deep into notions of accountability and justice? no, it didn t happen like that at all. i d made the terrible mistake of doing law at university and i hated it, apart from one teacher, a very lovely yorkshireman called robbiejennings who went on to become the british judge at the world court in the hague. and he taught a course on international law and i thought, this is interesting. this is what i want to do. and i just stuck with it, i stayed on, i did a masters, i had some great teachers. and that was what developed my interest in international law. and with your academic hat on, as we look at the nuremberg trials 75 years on from the first set