State of Minnesota District Court County of: St. Louis Judicial District: Sixth District Court File Number: 69DU-JV-22-218 Case Type: CHIPS - Permanency In the Matter of the Welfare of the Child(ren) of: Aaliyah Ojibway and Kevin Petite Summons and Notice Transfer of Permanent Legal and Physical Custody Matter (CHP-117) NOTICE TO: Aaliyah Ojibway, Above-named parent(s) or legal custodian(s). 1. A Petition to Transfer Permanent Legal and Physical Custody has been filed in the Juvenile Court. This petition asks the court to permanently transfer the parent/guardian’s legal and physical custodial rights to a relative. 2. This is your notice that this Transfer of Permanent Legal and Physical Custody case is scheduled for a remote hearing before the Juvenile Court located at 100 North 5th Avenue West Duluth Minnesota 55802-1285, on January 04, 2023 at 3:00 pm or as soon after as the case can be heard. Please contact court administration to get the remote hearing information. 3. YOU ARE ORD