WWE 205 Live (Episode 237)
Orlando, Florida at Capitol Wrestling Center (WWE PC)
Streamed June 25, 2021 on WWE Network
Watching the opening Promo play and realizing half the people in it will not be WWE Wrestlers next week on 205 Live and it is an odd feeling. A strange day in 205 Live history…let’s get to it. The show opened with Vic Joseph and Nigel McGuinness on commentary and kicked things off.
Ariya Daivari vs. Ikemen Jiro. As the crowd cheered for Jiro who danced around the ring, Daivari watched on cynically and conducted the crowd sarcastically. The two then slowly locked up although Daivari quickly ditched the lockup to kick Jiro in a gut a few times and yell to the crowd that this was his show. Daivari took it too easy and was arm-dragged a couple of times as Jiro controlled his wrist for a second. Daivari countered and hit Jiro with a shoulder block but Jiro just kipped up and grabbed a headlock, using his jacket for extra grip on Daivari.