Carrol Titus-Zambre, a candidate for the Mountain View Los Altos High School District s board, allegedly told a high school reporter last year that her husband is in the military and threatened to have the student investigated.
Carrol Titus-Zambre is running for a seat on the Mountain View Los Altos Union High School District s board, seeking to bring a parent perspective and oversee the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic recovery.
Peninsula teen Brian has battled depression and suicidal behavior since he was 10 years old. When he was in crisis, his family had to wait weeks just to get him an appointment with a psychiatrist. Their experience is all too common.
Peninsula teen Brian has battled depression and suicidal behavior since he was 10 years old. When he was in crisis, his family had to wait weeks just to get him an appointment with a psychiatrist. Their experience is all too common.
Peninsula teen Brian has battled depression and suicidal behavior since he was 10 years old. When he was in crisis, his family had to wait weeks just to get him an appointment with a psychiatrist. Their experience is all too common.