City of London (LON:CTY – Get Free Report) announced a dividend on Thursday, April 11th, Upcoming.Co.Uk reports. Shareholders of record on Thursday, April 25th will be paid a dividend of GBX 5.25 ($0.07) per share on Friday, May 31st. This represents a yield of 1.3%. The ex-dividend date of this dividend is Thursday, April 25th. […]
Shares of City of London (LON:CTY – Get Free Report) passed below its fifty day moving average during trading on Friday . The stock has a fifty day moving average of GBX 401.46 ($5.10) and traded as low as GBX 397 ($5.04). City of London shares last traded at GBX 401 ($5.10), with a volume […]
MOURN THE DEAD, FIGHT LIKE HELL FOR THE LIVING! The Coalition to Protect Trans Lives calls on trans and queer people and our allies to come out in force for Trans Day of Remembrance events across the country on Nov. 20, 2023. The need to remember our fallen and fight for our future has never…
A 25-year-old man who was arrested last month in Broward County in connection with the fatal shooting of a transgender woman was transferred Tuesday to Miami-Dade’s Turner Guilford Knight Correctional Center.