About a decade after combining all its businesses into Vedanta Ltd and then announcing a plan to make the company private, its chief, Anil Agarwal has now decided to split the business into six companies based on their business lines. The companies demerged from Vedanta would be Vedanta Aluminium, Vedanta Oil & Gas, Vedanta Power, Vedanta Steel and Ferrous Materials, and Vedanta Base Metals.
Vedanta, which had 15.28 lakh retail investors as of June 30, climbed 1.96 per cent to hit a high of Rs 213.05 on BSE. The scrip is down 33 per cent year-to-date.
While the bond prices indicate that London-listed Vedanta Resources will be able to fulfil its obligation of USD 517.8 million in interest and principal for a dollar bond maturing on 31 May, there are uncertainties surrounding the repayment of bonds due in the coming years, , vedanta resources, anil agarwal
While debt prices suggest that investors have little doubt that London-listed Vedanta Resources Ltd. will be able to pay $517.8 million of interest and principal on a dollar note maturing on May 31, there are questions over bonds due from next year onward.