This year is the 236th anniversary of the founding of the La Purisima Mission in Lompoc — the only mission of the 21 in California that had two locations and
This year is the 236th anniversary of the founding of the La Purisima Mission in Lompoc — the only mission of the 21 in California that had two locations and
Criminal enforcement of environmental laws is a rarity, despite relatively light evidentiary intent standards. Blatant and unquestionably deliberate violations the "secret pipe".
tonight, kidnapped nightmare exclusive. a woman, raped by the man who allegedly abducted a little girl 18 years ago is going to tell her shocking story. was a monster released from prison, free to walk the streets? wait until you hear what she has to say. plus, inside the house of rohrers, see where the child taken against her will grew up and raised two daughters. those acquainted with them are here, stunned by the strange and disturbing news. and then, her stepfather, once a suspect, reveals how she is doing now. can her family really reunite? will she recover? what happens next to the man all of america hates? right now on larry king live. good evening, late developments in the phillip garrido kidnapping case tonight. let s go to dan simon in antioch, california. dan, what s up? hi, larry, authorities announcing tonight that cadaver dogs found a bone fragment on the property next to the garrido house. garrido at one time according to police had access to the proper