Skip Szollosi writes, Although most of the Great Burn has been recommended and managed as Wilderness for decades, the newly revised plans will dictate whether the opportunity to be designated as Wilderness will be preserved for the next 15 to 30 years.
A lot has changed since I first experienced Idaho’s “wild country” in 1968 when I worked my first seasonal Forest Service job in the Kelly Creek Ranger District.
Both the Lolo National Forest and the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forest (NP-C) are developing forest plans to prescribe future management and uses of lands they administer. The NP-C will accept
Bruce Smith writes, Perhaps no other large mammal is as emblematic as the mountain goat of truly wild lands—lands featuring the rare character defined in the 1964 National Wilderness Act.
Both the Lolo National Forest and the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forest (NP-C) are developing forest plans to prescribe future management and uses of lands they administer. The NP-C will accept