at the very least, it s of course there s a lot of court intrigue going on in american politics and a small percentage is public. one day you wake up and kamala harris is the vice president. how did that happen, you wonder? nobody will say. you can be sure there s a story there. here s the latest example of unexplained weirdness in the news. mike pence of all people has swooped in to save joe biden. yes, mike pence. a man so pure he won t have dinner with ladies not his wife. mike pence had secret documents in his house just like joe biden. bet you didn t see that coming. it wasn t so long ago that pence was on television who said he was sure he had no classified documents in his possession. then he sent his personal attorney to search his home in carmel, indiana for classified documents. if he didn t think he had classified documents, why would he send his lawyer to look for them? it s entirely possible and likely that mike pence was asked to to this by federal prosecutors w