25-years, yet, fewer children are being born. thanks in part to rising debt levels, america s middle class cannot replace itself. that s why we are told we must import millions of new workers from abroad. young americans want homes and families.of helping them get those things ought to be our top priority as a country. we can t begin until we reform the student loan system. why haven t we done that yet? well, a hugely powerful lobby stands in the way. colleges and universities. their lobbists swarm washington and not surprisingly these are the people who benefit from student loan debt. the drive to rural america and you see how well they have done in a sea of poverty and disparity you will notice gated islands of affluence. these are colleges. outside the gates, people are unemployed and dying of opioid overdoses. inside the gates, it s like the ritz on south beach. if you haven t been to an american university lately, see it for yourself. everything is new. there has been a building b
they asked leadership to join us in calling on each member of the caucus to you knit against anti-semitism. house speaker nancy pelosi then tweeted leadership s response to omar s comments insisting the congresswomanst apologize.og that apology did come. came about an hour later. omar tweeting listening and learning but standing strong. she attached her statement saying in part anti-semitism isa real and i m grateful for jewish allies and colleagues who are educating me on the painful history of anti-semitic tropes. at the same time i reaffirm the problematic role of lobbists in our politics. they are calling the house speaker to remove omar from the foreignth affairs committee. as state lawmaker has pull back efforts to start impeachment hearings for lieutenant governor justinhe fairfax afterte two women came forward too accuse him of sexu
members, asking them to vote for a bill where the lobbists had placed in a measure that was written by citigroup that would allow them to do this ricky kind of derivative trading all over again and put our consumers at risk and have the government bail them out one more time. and so i went to work after that and organized members of our democratic caucus, called them to my office and 20 of us got together, divided up the list of all of the democrats in our caucus. we went to work and we started calling them and some of them had already been contacted by either jamie dimon or by the president of the united states, telling them to vote for the bill. and jamie dimon, four our viewers, is the ceo of jpmorgan chase. and, i mean, you said you were surprised to have the president and jamie dimon making calls
well, that was president barack obama in his weekly address defending the latest dismal economic data. so, should the president continue to pass the blame or accept responsibility? here to debate this, fox news contributor angela mcglowan and democratic strategist maxwell. angela, i will start with you. is this really fair for him for him to be pushing the blame on quote unquote washington when he has been in the white house for four years. that s president obama. that s what he does. they pass the buck. instead of taking responsibility. the same old same old. he will blame washington, d.c. isn t he a part of d.c. he is a part of d.c. he is not the only one there he can t pass laws. we are talking about an economic recovery. we need to be looking at the people that can actually pass law in order to get that. zerlina he can t pass laws when nancy pelosi was speaker. she enacted all of his proposals. that s the president. he has lobbists that go to