is biden next? nd if vegetables would rot in the ground if they weren t being pickedth b by many illegal immigrants. the fact is that the birthrate in this country is way below replacement level. cheap labor and more babies.d mo the democrats finallyre confess newsome banning peewee football, but lets kids cut off their peeps. plus, we did all this stuff. what separates good from is a great? everyone s talented, but what are the greatlented.s? all have in common grit. they wan t it more and they work for it and they love the grind . if your job is to try to be the best basketball playeru have you can be, to do that, you have to practice. you have to traio n, right? you you want to train as much as you can, as often as you can. ofteasif i start earlier, i can more hours and i know the other guys aren t doini g it because i know what their training schedule is, right? so i know ifr i do this consistently over time, the gapsme, the is going to win and wider one way in
would pay instead of, you know, spreading wealth based on need. money woulneedd be allocated to individuals purely based on the issue of race. racnow, the premise, according to the left, would be to compensate for the evils oflavey slavery. now, first, the country billn simply cannot afford the billions and billions of dollars and trillion s of dollars that it would likely take to allocate and ultimatelyn ,i t is a punitive measure and one that will even furthervi dividede a country thaty deep is already deeply divided. those who support reparationly o believe that america is an evile country filled to the brim with generous notions of bad people. and while no intelligent perso n ,let me be clear, deniese the evils of slavery, it wouldnl be a great injustice to ignore all the progress this country has made on racial issues and other issues. which is the beauty o our great constitution. it has provide d all of us a roadmap that we can right wrongs and correct injustices. o
Seventy-two men, 70 women arrested after officers raided, shut down 18 vice establishments, seven gambling dens and unlicensed pub during 11-day operation.
21-year-old Carlos Corrales-Ramirez pleaded guilty to second-degree murder in the death of Jairo Jesus Hernandez Sanchez. Corrales-Ramirez, of Honduras, killed Hernandez Sanchez on September 2, 2023.