Ex-officials at the Food and Agriculture Organization say its leadership censored and undermined them when they highlighted how livestock methane is a major greenhouse gas
Addressing Antibiotic Use Roundtable Registration is now open for the Addressing Antibiotic Use Roundtable hosted by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
How can insights from social research inform efforts to address antibiotic use in humans, animals and crops around the world?
This online Roundtable will launch a report of recommendations from social research about how best to address the increasing - and yet uneven – use of antibiotics across the One Health spectrum. Responding to calls for increased attention to social and behavioural aspects of antibiotic use, the evidence base on this topic is now expanding – reflected in a series of four panels in 2020. Bringing together the implications of these findings for policy, programmes and pilots in a timely way is critical if we are to enable practice to be informed by this research. The Addressing Antibiotic Use roundtable brings into conversation the findings from social researchers