she s eating now. i m join by shirley john, and the grandmother and aunt of little jhessye. thank you for joining us. let s talk about how police are handling this. you re hearing that police are focusing too much on her. what is your feeling? i feel that they are not focusing on baby jhessye after two days. i think the fbi needs to come back in and oversee this glendale police department. the great disparity on how they look at little black kids, children of another race. i found out recently they
while you were out last night? another dead satellite falling out of the sky, this one, we re told, the size of a minivan. we think it s crashed back to earth. we just don t know where. also, we re going to be heading to ft. bliss this morning where everybody is celebrating. you can imagine why. their loved ones are coming home from iraq for good in a few weeks. a special good morning to the men and women watching us on the american forces network all around the world, thank you for what you do. we are going to start with herman cain this morning, under fire from his republican rivals. this time for recent comments he made about abortion. and what a platform they had to take shots at him last night. a major gathering of christian conservatives in iowa. shannon travis is in des moines. reporter: a big night here in des moines, iowa. the iowa faith and freedom coalition, a gathering of 1,000 iowans, many of them christian evangelicals. six presidential candidates came to cour
you might think that phone call was worth it. also this morning, there s a major debate happening in iowa. and the top presidential candidates, some of them decided they re not going to show up. welcome to cnn saturday morning on this october 22nd, 10:00 a.m. here in atlanta, 9:00 a.m. in fayetteville, arkansas, 7:00 a.m. in san diego. wherever you may be, we are glad you are right here. i m t.j. holmes. let s talk about the big story from yesterday, the president, president obama coming out and saying, yes, u.s. troops are coming home for the holidays and the war in iraq will be over. about 40,000 troops still left in iraq will be coming home. athena jones joins me from the white house. this is news a lot of people had been waiting to hear and are happy to hear. absolute lit. democrats are saying this is a victory for our troops, a victory for taxpayers. our polls have shown that the opposition to the war in iraq has grown dramatically since 2003 when it all began. as