Tim Sheehy, the multimillionaire vying to unseat Jon Tester, presents himself as a Montana granger through and through. But some locals, who consider interloping a grave offense, just aren’t all that convinced. “He bought his way in,” says one fifth-generation sooner.
Playbook: “Is someone trolling Tim Sheehy, or is he trolling Montanans? The GOP establishment’s pick to take on Democratic Sen. Jon Tester backed Trump last spring — so it was surprising when somebody listing Sheehy’s name and address gave the maximum donation to Sen. Tim Scott’s (R-SC) pr
Montana Democrat Jon Tester has managed to use his agriculture background and down-home image to maintain his lock on a seat representing a largely conservative constituency. But with his spot up for grabs in a rigorous-looking race that could determine which party controls the senate, the organic grain farmer will have to fight to reclaim it.
Several candidates for federal office in Montana were repeatedly late to pay taxes over the last decade on business or residential property, according to an analysis of county property tax