how did they fake this? is that a person in a lion suit? the story was so captivating, did it matter if it wasn t real? it s entirely possible that lion wasn t real. it s entirely possible the whole thing was staged. but the way the story was created, the way it played out and the way the online video portion of it was distributed, you could only think, wow, this is really something different and special? if it s fake, i think i might go shoot somebody. that that would how could you be so cruel to make that up is what i would say. i m hoping it s real. let s put it that way. no need to worry. the video is real. but the true adventure of christian the lion was first told in a documentary that became the source of the viral video footage. the unlikely love story started in london in 1969 when our two heroes, john rendall and ace burke, went shopping at harrod s department store and bought a lion. so ace and i went up to the
stuff? the story was so captivating, did it matter if it wasn t real? it s entirely possible that lion wasn t real. it s entirely possible the whole thing was staged, but the way the story was created, the way it played out and the way the online video portion of it was distributed you could only think, wow, this is really something different and special? if it s fake i would go shoot somebody. that would be how could you be so cruel to make that up is what i would say. i m hoping it s real. let s put it that way. no need to worry. the video is real. but the true adventure of christian the lion was first told in a documentary that became the source of the viral video footage. the unlikely love story started in swinging london in 1969 when our two heroes, john rendall and ace burke went shopping at harrod s department store and bought a lion. so ace and i went up to the pet department there were two lions, little lioness and the
it s entirely possibly that lion wasn t real. it s entirely possible the whole thing was staged but the way the story was created, the way it played out and the way the online video portion of it was distributed you could only think wow, this is really something different and sfeshl. special? if it s fake i would go shoot somebody. how could you be so cruel to make that up is what i would say. i m hoping it s real. let s put it that way. no need to worry. the video is real. but the true adventure of christian the lion was first told in a documentary that became the source of the viral video footage. the unlikely love story started in singen london in 1969 when our two heroes, john rendall and ace burke went shopping at harrod s department store and bought a lion. so ace and i went up to the pet department there were two lions, lioness and the cub that we subsequently called christian and he was totally, totally
times but we still love it. i m crying. you re crying which is disturbing. the video is touching. heartfelt. and so so sweet. which, of course led some people to believe this was a big fat fake. there s always a question if something is for real. there are naysayers who claim it s a fake or think it s a fake. i don t think so. no it looks pretty real. it looks real to any. the story is a pretty unbelievable story. the fact the hadn t heard of this before made me think, oh wait, how did they fake this? is that a person in a lion suit? were they using fake film and stuff? the story was so captivating, did it matter if it wasn t real? it s entirely possible that lion wasn t real. it s entirely possible the whole thing was staged. but the way the story was created, the way it played out and way the online video portion of it was distributed, you can only think wow, this is really something different and special. if it s fake, i think i might go shoot somebody. that wo
felt and so, so sweet. which, of course, led some people to believe that was a big fat fake. there s always a question if something is for real. there are naysayers who claim it s a fake or they think it s a fake. i don t think so. it looks real to me. the story is a pretty unbelievable story. the fact that i hadn t heard of this before, made me think, oh, wait, how did they fake this. is that a person in a lion suit? the story was so captivating did it matter if it wasn t real? it s entirely possible that lion wasn t real. it s entirely possible the whole thing was staged. but the way the story was created and the way it played out and the way the online portion was distributed, you can only think this is really something different and special. if it s fake, i think i might go shoot somebody. how could you be so cruel to make that up?