a total blood sport. the reason i m a republican is those are my values. i think that s resonating with others experiences as well. how many of you voted for trump in 2020? i m scared to say that i voted for trump. but i also voted for obama. the biggest misconception is that latinos are supposed to be democrats. we just won the capital. my first language is spanish. i m definitely not a white supremacist. i had a right to be there and protest. [speaking spanish] he s the best damn president in u.s. history. to believe that the 20 traction election was stolen? i believe president trump won that election and voter fraud occurred. for me, 2020 was the political awakening. your children are not safe in the school system. excuse me, ma am. i don t have anything against the lgbtq community at all. i don t think the kid should have it pushed on them. all right, lately, that was so good. [speaking spanish] it s always socialism, socialism, shalom.
[speaking spanish] [speaking spanish] these conspiracy theories seem to be feeding off each other with force. [speaking spanish] otaola repeatedly questioned the election results on a show, and now alexys says the 2020 election was stolen from president trump. [speaking spanish] [speaking spanish] [speaking spanish] [speaking spanish] [speaking spanish] julio ligorra called himself