in business for nearly 100 years. my wife and i have run it for last 30. american technology is making us more efficient and customer friendly. we use online tools to fill prescriptions process insurance claims and make deliveries, but some in want to undermine the technology tools we rely on. they re misguided agenda will empower our foreign will empower our foreign adversaries and, hurt smalll businesses like ours. our leaders need to strengthen , not weaken american technology. not weaken american technology. i m jonathan lawson here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial pen progra udget, m. if you re age 15 85 and looking to buy life insurancthe three on a fixed bu remember the three p s? what arprand price the three? what arprand price the three? the three ps of life insurance on a fixed budget insurance on a fixed budget are price, price and price. a price you can afford, a price that can t increase and a price that fits your budget. i m 54. i m what