One by one we counted off our lane numbers, right to left, so that we knew for sure which lane we were shooting in and wouldn’t fuck up and hit someone else’s target. I chambered my one and only round, got myself settled into my natural point of aim as best I could, target aligned and on sights, felt the tide of my respiration ebb to its lowest point, and in the short moment of that stillness squeezed the trigger
And missed the target completely.
“Oh, man,” I thought. Right off the bat, I was in the hole: a 0. I couldn’t afford many more of those if I hoped to survive.
Stardate: 41997.7
Captain’s Log: The
Enterprise is about to have a rendezvous with the Jarada, a reclusive, particular species who sound very much like Daffy Duck. Picard must pronounce the greeting to them perfectly, or risk offending them. (The last contact with them saw a simple mispronunciation lead to 20 years of silence from the Jarada.)
Exhausted from his study of the language and the greeting with Troi, Picard is convinced by the counselor to take a break on the holodeck.
He runs the Dixon Hill program, based on a fictional private detective from 1940s San Francisco. Still in uniform, Hill’s secretary assumes he lost a bet, while a femme fatale with nice legs wishes to hire him to find out who’s trying to kill her.