/PRNewswire/ Author Mindy Gibbins-Klein explains that "many women want to read books written by people who have experienced similar challenges to them… The.
/PRNewswire/ In a time when bullying and body shaming are rampant, Not a Fat Annie by Anne Poirier is a heartwarming and empowering story of self-acceptance.
/PRNewswire/ As Daisy Alpert fLorin explains, "novelists love to tell the story of outsiders, and in a sense, everyone s an outsider in college. No matter.
/PRNewswire/ A recent report by Library Journal identifies nostalgia as one of the key trends in historical fiction as authors return in their minds to the.
/PRNewswire/ Margaret Levi and Robert R. Katz write, "We must step out of a guild mentality to recognize that the complex, entangled nature of contemporary.