the car. also hit me, reach for my gun. so we talked about it. oh that s true. so we tried to get a stop, even stop. we get instead of trying to get inside. swervestop, stop, stop, stop, i drove around for like you can hit my car. so then i m likeca so, i we we don t he pull up to the top oftn the like put his trying to sing. along so we jump out the car with now all five police officers involved, they have been fired and chargedmurder with second degree murder. but again, it is importantrtant to remember this video is horrific, but everyone is innocent until proven guilty.t everyone is innocentyou re at ht a lot of what the what tookoo place in this incident. lot and obviously, there s goingtalo to be a lot of talunk aroundn ge the country abounet policing in general. here now with the very latest. he s on the he s in memphis. our own steve harrigan is withtk us . steve , let s talk about w abouf
0 antiscience. freekeh, google agrees antisi with this. no questionsgoogle. que google just took down dow project veritas video exposing the pfizer executive on youtube. according to youtube, quote, we remove the content forto violatin youg our policies and covid-19 vax misinformation. whator makes no sense. weekend but i have a wonderful weekend anyway with the ones you have. and we will see you monday. ca kahnawake, i m not going to hannity. and we start with a foity.x news alert this friday night. now, tonight, we are monitoringt the ground in new york city, in city the city of memphis, tennessee, where just hours ago local laws, enforcement, they releasedforcee a body cam footage showingleingn the incident thacit led to the death of terry nichols allegedly at the hands of fo five officers. now former memphis police officers. this videorm memphis is extremet in nature. and now cities acrosurcisties as the country,the coun they are bg for potentially a night of violence. but befo