crimes in america. it s a great honour to be invited to the white house tonight to discuss important issues of anti asian hate crimes, asian inclusion, and diversity. welcome to our viewers on pbs in america and around the globe. president biden has confirmed that the united states will provide ukraine with more advanced rocket systems and munitions, something the ukrainians have long been requesting. mr biden said the weapons would enable ukraine to strike russian targets more precisely on the battlefield. they range will be limited, to ensure they can t be fired into russia itself. meanwhile, a russian air strike has hit a chemical plant in the embattled city of severodonetsk, the main focus of the russian offensive in the donbas region. residents have been told to stay in bomb shelters to avoid the fumes. tim allman reports. thick, black smoke hangs over the city of severodonetsk. for weeks, it s been a target for the russian military. now, reports of a strike on a chemica
Foundation for Drug Policy Solutions forum in Richmond sparks controversy after excluding parent group advocating for decriminalization and safe supply.