Is it guns that cause tragedies like the shooting that just took place in Nashville, or is it our sick society? Glenn Beck says it's our sick society.He says, “It was something inside of this girl. It was either a chemical imbalance that she was born with that confused her on the truth, or it’s this.
The devastating atrocity at the Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee, is another testament to just how sick our society has become. The shooter was a 28-year-old who was being treated for an emotional disorder and who identified as transgender. Her shooting spree left multiple people dead, includ.
Mental illness is real. Sometimes people are chemically predisposed to it, Glenn says. But sometimes, it’s our ‘freaking sick society’ that pushes others to the brink of destruction. In the Nashville tragedy at The Covenant School, Glenn says, it doesn’t matter what the killer’s pronouns or gender were.
Did you realize that there s a group of incredibly powerful people from all over the world who are praying for the apocalypse? It s called Traditionalism, with a capital T. Professor Benjamin Teitelbaum describes it as the most transformative political movement of the early 21st century. He writes about it in his book, War for Eternity, which Pulitzer-Prize-winning journalist Glenn Greenwald called an indispensable text for understanding the most profound and tumultuous political shifts defining societies on every continent. It s a bizarre story, involving Steve Bannon, Hinduism, Hitler, mysticism, Aleksandr Dugin, the Constitution, and tons and tons of money. And it s exactly how the Left wants to paint conservatives but that couldn t be further from the truth.