<strong>Letters:</strong> Readers respond to<strong> </strong>Leila Taheri’s article blaming littering on corporations and society rather than individuals
If any anger is justified, it should be directed at those who create our throwaway culture and make people’s lives a misery, says volunteer Leila Taheri
Caitlin Tilley
11:30 AM April 12, 2021
Volunteers with bags of rubbish after clearing litter from the Welsh Harp reservoir.
- Credit: Friends of the Welsh Harp
Things are looking up for the Welsh Harp reservoir, after Canal and River Trust volunteers removed the above-surface large debris from the marshes.
Rubbish fished out this month includes items such as wheelie bins, plastic chairs and supermarket trollies, some of it decades old.
Resident Leila Taheri, 36, lives by the reservoir and has been part of Friends of the Welsh Harp, a group which organises litter clean-ups, since summer 2020.
“It only took one day with two men and one boat. But this is a chronic issue,” says Leila. “It’s an environmental disaster. It literally looks like a skip.”