Dear Abby: When I visit my three grandchildren on Fridays, my daughter-in-law never offers me any refreshment not even a glass of water or a cup of tea. She will eat in front of me and not offer me anything. I was taught that this is rude. Should I bring my own refreshment? (If I did, I would feel as though I would need to feed the whole family.)
are all of your friends, your classmates, anyone accounted for now? i m in a fraternity, and we made sure everyone in our fraternity ways account, for no one, was you know, left hanging i texted ironic i was to make sure they re okay, and yeah. what is night like for you drew, it is a freshman in college just joined a fraternity, you started a new life. it s unlike anything i ve ever experienced and not even from michigan. there s just so much information, put out so many