Relationship, but also a collaborative relationship. The story of American History is one of public and private partnership in many ways. In ways that are sometimes unseen. I think this is a great way to get into that. Margaret omara discusses her book, the code, Silicon Valley and the remaking of america. Sunday night at 8 00 eastern on cspans q a. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] what is your vision in 2020 . Studentcam is asking what do you want to see candidates address . Studentcam is cspans nationwide video documentary competition for Middleton High School students with 100,000 in total cash prizes at stake including a 5,000 grand prize. Students are asked to produce a short video documentary, include cspan video and reflect differing points of view. Information to get started is on our website at studentcam. Org. Announcer Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg delivered r
For those who this evening, and those watching by livestream cspan, welcome to the distinguished lecture series. We would ask that you please silence your cell phones. A little activity there. Let me begin by first lifting up those who have been impacted in our giving and are dealing with hurricane dorian. If you are able, please consider supporting relief efforts. Clintonrd dean of the school, and on behalf of at t, the Clinton Foundation, and the Clinton School, we are glad youre here. Special thanks to catherine and compurisrue and dean for establishing this series honoring their parents. What a gift. [applause] and what a tribute to your mom and your dad. Just please know how grateful we are. I want to recognize the new class of Clinton School students. Stand up, guys. [applause] as well as our returning students, our faculty, our staff and our very talented group of alumni, right over there. [applause] also joining us, congressman french hill, university of arkansas system preside
Distinguished lecture series. We would ask that you please silence your cell phones. A little activity there. Let me begin by first lifting up those who have been impacted in our giving and are dealing with hurricane dorian. If you are able, please consider supporting relief efforts. Clintonrd dean of the school, and on behalf of at t, the Clinton Foundation, and the Clinton School, we are glad youre here. Special thanks to catherine and compurisrue and dean for establishing this series honoring their parents. What a gift. [applause] and what a tribute to your mom and your dad. Just please know how grateful we are. I want to recognize the new class of Clinton School students. Stand up, guys. [applause] as well as our returning students, our faculty, our staff and our very talented group of alumni, right over there. [applause] also joining us, congressman french hill, university of arkansas system president don, and his wife, susan. System Vice President for academic affairs, current an