rick, i think that gentleman is 62 years old, which would have him a few years short of eligibility there. yeah, rick, let s be careful. but bigger picture, rick, for a republican sitting there in washington, look, we know it s been a challenge for them to put it mildly to come up with a unified alternative plan. they re going to replace obamacare with. it s a complicated thing, seeing these polls, how does that affect them psychologically? let s look at the history. the democrats were all in lock snap to pass obamacare. obamacare will collapse on it s own. you don t need you could sit there and say we don t need to replace it, but it ll collapse. it s like a lead airplane. and that same gentlemen same let s improve it. you can t improve, it s like adding more lead to an airplane. so there s a lot of pressure to fix obamacare, and the question is, how do you want to fix it? it s a mammoth project. and republicans aren t all lock step on how to replace it. can they get there
loud applause. is that going to get done in 100 days? obamacare is not a popular program. i think what the democrats will do, because they won t get they will be rebuilding what they have. they will be replacing the plan. the reason they need to get rid of it or repeal it because it s a lead airplane. so they are going to do things one called better way by speaker ryan. a bill and specieser of the house and head of hss who will be in agreement about what make competitive, lower cost at the
did follow through with that timeline. do you see any of the issues that president-elect trump might keep, too, that are now being put forward by president obama? well, look, it s going to be a long leist. on obama in particular, i think congress is going to undo that. fixing obama care is like redesigning a lead airplane. it s never going to fly. you ll have to redo that through reconciliation. their strategy will be to have a communication strategy with the american people. what is going to happen to the 20 million people that acquired health care under obama care? what s going to happen with preexisting conditions? i suspect the republicans will have answers for those and they ll address them in a piece-by-piece basis. they ll appear obama care by
you have to articulate an alternative that people like. and so obama care look. obama care is not working. it s like a lead airplane. even though you have millions of people, all the people who are going to draw more out of the system than they ll put in. the whole way that obama care was to work in the first place is all these people didn t need health care. in other words, they wouldn t draw out of the system as much as the others. meaning they wouldn t draw out of the system as much as the others. they would put money in and it would be sustainable. that hasn t happened. and the president has removed all the requirements that would require them to be in the plan in the first place. so the whole thing is going to fail. there are lots of things you can do. you can put tax credits on the market. you can make sure that people can buy insurance from cross-state purchases. why should people in new jersey not buy a plan in iowa where they pay the least? there are things to do to bring do
2014. health care. rick tyler is a republican strategist. jonathan allen is politico s white house bureau chief. rick, if i were to come to you as a perspective republican candidate, now that the affordable care act has been put into effect and people are getting insurance who heretofore couldn t get insurance, would your advice be to argue for repeal or reform? well, what i ve been saying to all my candidates is the affordable care act, it can t work. it s a lead airplane. though people claim there are good things in it, i don t think it can be reformed. i think it has to be repealed. but what s going to happen is the republicans got ahead of themselves. the country needs to want to repeal it first. and we re getting closer to that. the affordable care act, despite the cold open here is as unpopular as ever. president obama is as unpopular as ever because of the affordable care act.