I recently experienced a graphic novel: a currently-popular format, just not one I had actually read. Briefly, a graphic novel is an adult comic book. Moth
I keep stressing about situations over which I have no control. Leaders of world powers are rattling their sabers all over the globe. Too often we cannot d
Follow-ups and postscripts
Boomer Blog - Shirley Scott
Recently I waxed nostalgic about the traditions of the last day of school and graduation. I shared my recollections of each school year winding down and GHS commencement exercises through the years. Surely it is time to move on from these two side streets just off memory lane.
And yet, I found myself watching the students, staff, and parents of 2020-21 celebrate these classic American traditions – and I just have to share!
Lisa Siegenthaler Turner, former student of mine, who also taught language arts and recently retired (Yikes! I AM old! My students are retiring!) commented: “I always found the end of the school year so bittersweet…I’m also convinced that there is no feeling of being tired like end of the school year teacher tired.” Another student from my classroom, Lori Zimmerman Black, concurred and added: