85 years!! Incredible. This radio station has been home to renowned broadcasters like Pierre Berton, Lister Sinclair, Wallie Oppal, and Narduwar the Human Serviette! It s amazing to think that I have been on the air at CiTR for almost half those years (1985 to 2023, that s 38 of the 85!) Some tunes dating back to 1937, as well as interviews and songs and tunes from some of my favourite moments at CiTR, including several from Jericho Beach Park when we aired the show from the Vancouver Folk Music Festival. Also be a tribute to Tina Turner, and Cream lyricist Pete Brown, as well as new releases from the likes of Eliza Gilkyson, Leftover Salmon, Brighde Chaimbeul, Bela Fleck, Eilen Jewell, and more. Plus a feature on Laura Cortese and a look ahead to this Summer s Edmonton Folk Music Festival, whose lineup was announced this week.Patrick StreetIrish TimesMusic For A Found HarmoniumKeturahKeturahSukuluSona JobartehBadinyaa KumooMeeyaBlick Bassy1958Sango NgandoKimi DjabateDindinYensoroVieux
Her stay in the Boston area was a relatively brief one, but the area’s folk/traditional music scene made an impression on Vermont fiddler-vocalist Lissa Schneckenburger, and she returned the favor.The Maine native came to town in the late 1990s as a student in New England Conservatory and spent quite a bit of time in local sessions and contra dances, and a number of