BSE's Sensex tanked 359.64 points, or 0.51 per cent, to settle at 70,700.67, while NSE's Nifty50 dropped 101.35 points, or 0.47 per cent, to end the day at 21,352.60 for the day.
BSE's barometer Sensex dropped more than 835 on Thursday to slip down to 70,665.50 early in the morning. The 30-share pack has crashed over 2,760 points from its 52-week highs at 73427.59.
BSE's Sensex dropped 313.90 points, or 0.44 per cent, to settle at 71,186.86. NSE's Nifty50 plunged 109.70 points, or 0.51 per cent, to end the day at 21,462.25 for the day.
ICICI Bank is now showing signs of a potential recovery after experiencing a significant downturn in December 2023, where prices dropped sharply from a peak of Rs 1,043 to a low of Rs 974.
Canara Bank: The PSU bank will make further announcements of all material developments regarding the same, as and when required, as per applicable regulations.