Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah said that he would not flowers or shawls from people and instead books will be accepted. He s also instructed traffic police not to disrupt general traffic on roads in Bengaluru when his convoy goes around.
Bengaluru, May 21 (IANS) Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Sunday said that 'no one in BJP has lost their life due to terrorism, but Late Prime Ministers Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi died in terror attacks.
He was speaking to reporters on the occasion of Rajiv Gandhi Punya Smarane (death anniversary) programme organised at the Congress office in Bengaluru. Siddaramaiah stated that the objective of Congress is to eradicate terrorism. From the beginning Congress is waging a war against terrorism, he said.
He was speaking to reporters on the occasion of Rajiv Gandhi Punya Smarane (death anniversary) programme organised at the Congress office in Bengaluru. Siddaramaiah stated that the objective of Congress is to eradicate terrorism. From the beginning Congress is waging a war against terrorism, he said.