17/01/2024 - The event has revealed its panels and juries, boasting a schedule filled with talks and parallel events tailored for film professionals, all taking place in Trieste from 21-24 January
19/12/2023 - Among the 21 projects are the new efforts by Peter Kerekes, Mina Mileva and Vesela Kazakova, Alessandro Cassigoli and Casey Kauffman, and Caru Alves de Souza
21/09/2023 - The Italian industry event is opening its call for new projects across various sections and has announced major changes that will transform it into a cross-cultural hub
20/01/2023 - The Italian event has announced its juries along with a programme brimming with talks, parallel events and other activities for film professionals, unspooling from 22-25 January
20/01/2023 - The Italian event has announced its juries along with a programme brimming with talks, parallel events and other activities for film professionals, unspooling from 22-25 January