Has set all the financial rates that they are in fact going to go up. It has been a rather diverse performance among other financials. They make money both ways on the loans they have on the books and what they make on the money that they have invested in a close in securities and not spread good that its all good news to them. And then there is this notion how i miss them higher rent the Federal Reserve is hiking rates, what that says about the economy. Usually a good day. Things are picking up steam. Having said that, it is tough for a candidate to take higher Interest Rates trying to land themselves in the white house. We will see how that goes. Were also following very closely what seems to be business groups, normally very friendly to republicans or low to donald trump did not across the board. An interesting survey to elaborate on a little bit later a two to one margin various business introduces the agents representing 3. 5 trillion in sales, overwhelmingly prefer Hillary Clinto