Applications Determined Fell 1 mature oak - 5 day notice, Between Lakeshore & Kieran boathouses, Bellman Landing, Storrs Park, Windermere, Cumbria, LA23 3LH. Application made by Mr Noel McKee. No objection. Building A - roof over sheep pens, Building B - roof over bale pad/hardstanding, Cragg House Farm, Crook, Kendal, LA8 9HS. Application made by Mr E Park. Prior Approval Not Required (NOI). Roof over existing midden/cattle yard, High Loanthwaite, Outgate, Ambleside, LA22 0NL. Application made by Mr David Mallett. Withdrawn. Revised anciliary office and studio building following refusal of application ref, Matterdale Activity Centre, Matterdale, Penrith, CA11 0LD. Application made by Mrs C Schools. Approved with Conditions.