Early microprocessors straddled two major computing epochs. During the first epoch, stretching from the late 1960s through the 1970s, computer system engineers designed and implemented minicomputer processor architectures and processor boards using TTL parts, bipolar PROMs, stone knives, and bearskins. Each minicomputer maker – including Digital Equipment Corp (DEC), Data General (DG), Prime, Computer Automation,…
January indictments handed down
Staff report
SCIOTO Shane A. Tieman, Scioto County Prosecutor announced the January term of the Scioto County Grand Jury met on January 8 and returned three Public Indictments. The Defendants Indicted are charged as follows:
Dianna L. Foster, 44, Portsmouth, Ohio, Trafficking in Marihuana, Trafficking in Cocaine, Possession of Marihuana and Possession of Cocaine.
Sonya D. Adams, 44, Portsmouth, Ohio, Trafficking in Marihuana, Trafficking in Cocaine, Possession of Marihuana and Possession of Cocaine.
Anthony Lamont Woods, 50, Williamson, West Virginia, Tampering with Evidence, Possessing Criminal Tools, Trafficking in Cocaine and Possession of Cocaine.
Taliya Marie Edwards, 21 Columbus, Ohio, Possessing Criminal Tools, Trafficking in Cocaine and Possession of Cocaine.