Robbie Antonio, Founder, Revolution Precrafted
February 19, 2021
Editor’s note: Robbie Antonio, the founder of the luxury prefab construction firm Revolution Precrafted, is being probed by the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) in the Philippines for allegedly duping suppliers and contractors. Meanwhile, DealStreetAsia has received a notice, dated Feb. 1, from Lambert Worldwide, representing Antonio, to take down our investigative articles into the company.
We are republishing the two articles, published on Feb. 21, 2020 and March 2, 2020, as free reads below.
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Slow projects, small fundraising dim Revolution Precrafted’s unicorn halo
SunStar Central Country Estate turns over Nest Village unit
FLAVORSCAPE NEST UNIT. Architect BJ Mangio (right) turned over the first batch of Flavorscape Nest Unit to buyers during Wednesday s simple ceremony at The Lakeshore, Mexico, Pampanga. (Chris Navarro)
+ December 17, 2020 MEXICO Central Country Estate Incorporated (CCEI) has turned over the first batches of residential units at its Nest Village.
The Nest Village is one of the three Flavorscapes villages included in the 22-hectare phase at the southern section of the Lakeshore.
With land development at more than 55 percent complete, Flavorscapes is recognized as the first food park community that will showcase curated culinary establishments around the village.