Chautauqua County Executive, PJ Wendell, will be hosting a Lake Symposium, Sunday June 2nd, focusing on the health and sustainability of Chautauqua Lake.
At WCSU, research continues despite COVID Written by WCSU
Despite the limitations imposed by the Novel Coronavirus, graduate-level research conducted by students pursuing master’s degrees in Integrative Biological Diversity at Western Connecticut State University continues under the mentorship of department faculty.
Professor of Biological and Environmental Studies Dr. Theodora Pinou, who coordinates the M.S. in Integrative Biological Diversity program, said, “Covid-19 doesn’t stop research, it causes us to get creative about project design and project management. Covid-19 has opened a whole new interest in outdoor experiences, and this can have negative consequences on the environment unless we pay attention to how humans are impacting the environmental health of our ecosystems. Now, more than ever, this Integrated Biological Diversity degree is important to teach a generation of adults proper practices in environmental stewardship and personal responsibility tha