California Fawn Lilly (Erythronium californiacum). Photo by Kim Riley.
LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – There are some plants (just like people and other animals) that just do better when they grow together and such is the case with buck brush and fawn lilies, two great friends that often grow together because it may be beneficial to both.
It’s not an exclusive relationship, but buck brush (Ceanothus cuneatus) provides the shade that the California Fawn Lilly (Erythronium californiacum) likes, so they are oftentimes found growing and blooming together.
One of the most widespread native plants in California, buck brush, as you might guess by it’s common name, is a food source for deer and is found throughout California and particularly in chaparral landscapes, growing to about 9 feet tall and covered with clusters of small white flowers in April and May here in Lake County.
LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – With a background of slick green pebbles, the vibrant wildflowers on serpentine soils send a siren song of vibrant colors; many of them pink to fuschia, and all of them unique as the seemingly sprout from gravel.