And welcome, and bill kelly, andrew w mellon, director of the research library. And its my pleasure to you to the library. We are fortunate indeed to have professor Kathy Davidson with us this evening. He is the author of a critically important, the new education, how to revolution as the university to prepare students for a world in flux. Kathys distinguished professor at the Graduate Center of the City University of new york, director of cunys initiatives program. Prior to joining the faculty she had held a chair professorship and was Vice President for Interdisciplinary Studies at duke university. She is the author or editor of more than20 books , cofounder and director of the worlds first academic social network, she serves on the board of the mozilla corporation. Developer as you probably know of the fox web browser and underwriter of the Global Community open source developers, she was appointed by president obama to the National Council on the humanities and was the 2016 recipie