Darshan Kumaar captivated audiences with his portrayal of Krishna Pandit in The Kashmir Files. Now, the actor is all set to win over his fans heart yet again with Kaagaz 2. He plays an IMA officer supporting Satish Kaushiks fight for justice after his daughters tragic death.
Why are girl cadets at the NDA sporting boys’ crew cuts? Why don’t we simply accept that gender differences will remain despite haircuts? These mildly provocative yet valid questions asked by a military veteran on the conclusion of the ‘Ethos of Soldiering’ discussion needed
What’s winning on the internet today is a moving story of a mother-son duo from the Indian Armed Forces. It’s a post by the Public Relations Officer of Chennai under Directorate of Public Relations, Ministry of Defence, on Twitter that shows how a son followed in the footsteps of his mot
Major (Retd) Smita Chaturvedi'sson got commissioned into the Indian Army from the same academy in Chennai on Saturday from where she had passed out 27 years ago.