Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday condoled the death of Shiv Kumar Pareek, a long-time aide of BJP stalwart Atal Bihari Vajpayee, and said he devoted himself to service and nation-building. Pareek, who was in his 80s, died on Saturday.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday expressed deep grief over the demise of former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee's long-time close aide Shiv Kumar Pareek. Pareek passed away on Saturday evening. In a tweet, Prime Minister Modi said, "Saddened by the passing away of Shri Shiv Kumar Pareek Ji. Firmly rooted in our Party's ideology, he devoted himself to service, nation
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday expressed deep grief over the demise of former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee s long-time close aide Shiv Kumar Pareek.Pareek passed away on Saturday evening. In a tweet, Prime Minister Modi said, .