Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in the 102nd episode of “Mann Ki Baat” on Sunday highlighted the contribution made by 13-year-old Meenakshi Kshatriya, Ni-kshaya Mitra and the brand ambassador of Katni district in the campaign to make India TB-free. Prime Minister Modi mentioned about Meenakshi
staff reporter in 102nd episode of ‘mann ki baat’, prime minister narendra modi highlighted crucial contribution of 13-year-old meenakshi kshatriya, ‘ni-kshaya mitra’ and the brand ambassador of katni district in
Prime Minister Narendra Modi with Union Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya, Uttar Pradesh Governor Anandiben Patel, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath and Deputy Chief Minister Brajesh Pathak during the One World TB Summit on World Tuberculosis Day, in Varanasi. Varanasi, Mar 24: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday emphasized on the need for public participation in
India is determined to eliminate TB by 2025, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Friday at the launch of 'TB-free panchayat campaign' along with several | BLiTZ
Varanasi/UNI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday emphasized on the need for public participation in the total eradication of tuberculosis and said that India is working on the target of ending TB completely by the year 2025 five years before the global target.