KSEEB SSLC Result 2023, Karnataka SSLC 10th Result: The exams were conducted in a single shift from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm and fifteen minutes were given to the candidates to read the question paper.
Karnataka SSLC Result 2023 Live, KSEEB Class 10th Results, Marksheet, Score card PDF at <a href="https://www.timesnowhindi.com/amp/education/blog/karnataka-sslc-10th-result-2023-manabadi-kseeb-sslc-results-2023-sarkari-result-2023-direct-link-at-karresults-nic-in-sslc-karnataka-gov-in-kseeb-kar/2037" target=" blank" title="https://www.timesnowhindi.com/amp/education/blog/karnataka-sslc-10th-result-2023-manabadi-kseeb-sslc-results-2023-sarkari-result-2023-direct-link-at-karresults-nic-in-sslc-karnataka-gov-in-kseeb-kar/2037"><b>karresults.nic.in</b></a>. Karnataka School Examination and Assessment Board will announce the SSLC result today, on May 8, 2023. The exam was held from March 31 to April 15, 2023. The exam was conducted in a single shift between 10:30 AM and 1:30 PM. The result will be released today at 10 am in a press conference. However, students will be able to download the result from 11 am. Once it is released, direct l
KSEAB SSLC Result 2023, Karnataka 10th Result: To check the result students will need to enter their email id, registration number, his or her name. The result will be displayed on the screen and students should save the result for future use.
Karnataka SSLC 10th Result 2023: This time, the girl students performed better than the boy students. This year, a total of 4,25,968 boys appeared for SSLC exam in Karnataka, of whom 3,41,108 or 80.08 per cent have been announced pass. aaa