this deal across the finish line. what message do you want them to take to hamas through the interlock torres. don t give up, put all the pressure you can, as i said before, this is crunch time. we need bring the deal, the people are dying there i m not sure there will be another opportunity. it has to be done and done right now. gillian: well-said. thank you very much for joining us, ronen, or thoughts and prayers are with you, of course, as you go through this, maybe there will be a breakthrough as soon as this weekend. thank you for having me. gillian: thank you very much. gillian: coming up next bret baier on the efforts to identify the remains of soldiers killed 80 years ago now during the d-day invasion. communities come out en masse when their hometown son or daughter are coming home. bret: no matter how long ago it was. no matter how long ago.
i ve been begging this department to give mission what it deserves all year long and been told time and time and time and time again there are no officers that we can send to mission, it hurts and i feel betrayed by the department and mayor. i feel betrayed by the priorities of this city. todd: okay, you heard that, just three years ago, hillary rothen, sang a different tune following george floyd protest, she tweeted, i want to make it clear, i believe strongly in defunding police and reducing number of officers on our source. same thread, ronen attacked the mayor about the police budget and reduction in the number of officers. san francisco police numbers on the decline year over year as
left here, ronen appears to have the crime driven equivalent of a death bed conversion when it comes to funding the police and more officers out there, but still plenty of people, including the d.c. city council who are saying oh, no, we have to roll back the criminal penalties. that was an absolutely astonishing move, still does not make a lot of sense. d.c. council did it, as you know, republicans in the house stood up and said no, we will not let this bill become law in the district of columbia, and then democrats started going along. president biden said he wouldn t stand in the way of what republicans were doing and in the end, a lot of democrats joined republicans in stopping this law, but when you look at the law which liberalized the already liberal criminal code in the district of columbia, the mayor opposed it, and these are all democrats, democrats arguing with other democrats, and the city council overruled the mayor even. john: well, out of control crime not necessaril