Initiated by the renowned conductor Paavo Järvi, the Estonian “summer capital” hosts the Pärnu Music Festival from 12 to 21 July; Neeme Järvi, Paavo Järvi and Kristjan Järvi will conduct the high-profile concert programme, which was named one of Europe's best classical music festivals by BBC Music Magazine this year.
On July 13, a music festival begins in Pärnu that brings over 200 musicians to the summer capital. This is the 12th time that the internationally renowned classical music festival takes place. The festival traditionally highlights Estonian music and new releases, and this year is no exception, with Mari Vihmand's new triple concerto for two flutes and bassoon premiering at the festival.
Minister of Culture Tiit Terik (Center) has turned down a request for €20 million in compensation for COVID-19 damages from theaters, movie theaters, music, museum and arts institutions.
Plans for a new concert hall at Skoone Bastion for the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra and Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir are being by the City of Tallinn.