city. 49 degrees. check out the humidity, 100% and that causes fog. winds out of the north at 12 miles per hour. and your pressure 29.38 inches. and early sours and then perhaps late-day sun. temperatures cooler than they should be. although we ll probably top out upper 50s and 60s. 63 in fredericksberg. cooler to the north and west, winchester 58. it gets better from here. i ll have more details on the sunshine and forecast for tomorrow coming up in a few minutes. allison and tony, back to you. our top story this morning, the latest on the budget battle. president barack obama will lay out his plans today for a reducing of the nation s debt and stacy cohan is live at george washington university where the president will speak. good morning. reporter: good morning. we are expecting president obama in just over three hours to arrive here at george washington university. and with the mounting debt facing this country, you can bet that the nation and the congress are anxio