like that moderate reasonable governor that he once was. i m not saying their moderates. there s a lot of no i m not saying that, they like a moderate temperament. they don t want somebody who is severely conservative or hanging out with a kook ball. he made a promise to donald trump to do something with him when he got the endorsement in february, and the campaign thought better to do it sooner than later. i think a lot of people in the middle think who would be undecided at this point, somebody not paying attention, somebody turned off to everything going on. so ail yent nated they probably buy this birther crap. he thinks he is having a profile encouraged by standing up to his critics from the left.
maybe he wants us to say he s so far right he s hanging out with the birthers. he knows, he knows, that the name of the game for the next five months is convincing the independent who s he alienated by making love to the conservatives, or trying to, and bringing them aboard, and asking like that moderate reasonable governor that he once was. i m not saying their moderates. there s a lot of no i m not saying that, they like a moderate temperament. they don t want somebody who is severely conservative or hanging out with a kook ball. he made a promise to donald trump to do something with him when he got the endorsement in february, and the campaign thought better to do it sooner than later.