If you haven't already, please study our free Bootstrapping Course and Investor Introductions page. Koncert (formerly ConnectLeader) CEO / CTO Senraj Soundar had bootstrapped his company to over $10 million in revenue before raising VC funds when we spoke in 2017. We love stories like this that reinforce our philosophy: "Do not go to VCs as beggars, go as kings!" Sramana Mitra: Let's start at the very beginning of your journey. Where are you from? Where were you born, raised, and in what kind of background? Senraj Soundar: I was born and brought up in India, particularly in Southern India. I got my Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering in Chennai. Around that time when I graduated, I received an award from the President of India for the best invention in the country. It was called the National Technology Award. They give out one award each year. I won that award in 1991, and it was given in 1992. The following year, I came to the US and went to
A kolozsvári Transilvania Filharmónia folytatja az elmúlt évadban elkezdett közönségcsalogató kezdeményezését: felnőtteknek, gyermekeknek és fiataloknak tart oktató,.
Bayern rozbił Dynamo Kijów! Robert Lewandowski z dwoma golami! - sport.interia.pl - Koncert Bayernu Monachium na Allianz Arenie! Bawarczycy pokonali 5-0 Dynamo Kijów, a dwie bramki zdobył Robert Lewandowski. Dla Polaka był to już 76. i 77. gol w Lidze
A szülés előtt utoljára lépett színpadra az énekesnő, akit ovációval fogadott a hallgatóság. Magdi négy hónapos terhesen visszavonul, a tervei szerint jövő nyáron hallhatjuk újra énekelni, akkor már háromgyermekes édesanyaként.