FOLLOWING the installment of Police Brigadier General Aligre Lamsen Martinez as the new director of the Davao Police Regional Office (PRO-Davao), the police agency vows to sustain its move to trace the whereabouts of Pastor Apollo Quiboloy.
FORMER President Rodrigo Roa Duterte (FPRRD) dismissed the issue alleging that he harbored the Kingdom of Jesus Christ (KJC) founder and leader, Pastor Apollo Quiboloy, who is currently facing legal charges.
THE Police Regional Office in Davao Region (PRO-Davao) admitted that they are facing difficulties in tracking down Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy, who is regarded as a “fugitive from justice”, being a prominent individual with extensive resources and logistical support, and has a network of influential friends.
THE Senate’s Office of Sergeant-at-Arms (Osaa) personally handed out the transmittal of the arrest order against the fugitive religious leader and founder of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ (KOJC), Pastor Apollo Quiboloy on April 9, 2024.
DESPITE the “exhaustive inspections” conducted by the Davao intelligence units earlier this month, the Police Regional Office-Davao Region (PRO-Davao) believes Pastor Apollo Quiboloy is still in Davao City, particularly in the 50-hectare properties where outsiders are prohibited from entering.