so they have got anywhere between 20,000 and 40,000 employeesco who come to work every day at facebook under the rubric of safety and security. they report the low hanging facility, the easy child exploitation filter, the violent talk, i m going to hurt this person. the plans to kidnap somebody. that goes right to law enforcement. they have got a neat way of doing that. they could do a whole lot more. i keep coming down to profit. they haven t figured out how to do it. journalism 101, if it bleeds, it leads. the adage about headlines on titles of newspapers and tv shows. it is the modern day version of that. people want negativity. they want to be panicked. afraid. they are coming after my kids. they are coming after christmas. right? and they keep going down those rabbit holes and we have got to kinds of decouple that from getting ad revenue. they haven t done that yet. i want to say a couple of things about bringing people together at facebook. i have got stories these have