An urgent danger to life warning has been issued as floodwaters submerge the city of Lismore on the northern NSW coast on Monday and more rain expected for Tuesday..
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Subscriber only High growth areas and a flood of interstate migration is spurring on massive enrolment growth in schools across the Sunshine Coast. Latest education department statistics have revealed the region s fastest and slowest growing schools, with the Coast s southern campuses in the midst of massive growth. Baringa State Primary School was the fastest growing school in the region in the past 12 months, with enrolments up 22 per cent to 1022 students. Deputy principal Amos Cowling, who had taught at the school since its opening in 2018, said the growth had been expected and the campus was able to be scaled up as required to meet the increasing demand.
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Subscriber only A year burdened by a pandemic which cost Coast residents their livelihoods, and even a life, was compounded by tragedies that rocked the region. From a dad lost to a fatal shark attack to a blind cord accident that cost a little angel her life, there are stories that cannot be lost among the COVID-19 noise. The deaths of these 13 people broke hearts across the Sunshine Coast in 2020. Love and bright light : Town reeling after Aysha s death Aysha Baty had been getting her life together and was looking forward to building a better future, friends of the 31-year-old say.
neil: ben, thank you for keeping that strong for us. we appreciate it. adam, your thoughts on what ben just said? well, slightly different take on that, but i don t disagree with what ben said. i think this is a very healthy market corrective going on. everything you said in the lead in is accurate, neil. the costs have gotten out of whack and the product being delivered has not kept with the cost. and so some segment of the population has said, we don t need to go to college. you know what? they re right. not everyone needs to go to college. neil: that s not that they re not going to college. they re seeking out cheaper colleges. right. this is the most important decision that any young person has to make, the cost-benefit analysis of should i go neil: iphone or samsung? should i go into debt to get a degree that won t get me a job that will enable me to pay back those loans in my lifetime? go to a in-state school. go to a cheaper college, particularly if you re going to